School starts tomorrow? I feel like my summers have been jipped. Last summer I had summer school and only got a couple weeks and this "summer" has gone much too fast!
This past week has definitely been one of the best weeks ever. Yes, my family is gone, but I have managed to keep myself busy and keep my mind off of not being home. How can you seriously miss home when you are experiencing adventures that will make memories that last a lifetime? Well, you can't, so let's start with the fun stuff.
The village that I live in went to a fresh water rock pool that was in the middle of no where. We went swimming, jumped off rocks, and even swam with leeches. That day I also got stung by a bee (or something of the sort) right in the neck, but hey, I'm still alive and that's all that matters!
Swimming in the water hole with friends.
Right as we got to the waterfall. We truly got to see Australia in a different form: and jungle!
The villagers posing for a photo!
We've been to a lot of parties, and we have also skipped out on some of the parties. I don't know how some people can go raging every day of their life, but they do. Some friends and I decide to take off days and hang out in our rooms and relax, instead. We also go to the beach and take late night walks in the sand. There was also a competition for sandsculptures on the main beach here, so we walked around and checked out some of the finished works.
First day of O-Week means first major pool party of the year!
Club night with the girls.
Just before the beach party.
Jessi and I decided we needed a break and enjoyed our room for the night.
Names in the sand.
Such a girly/touristy thing to do!
One of the sculptures that won second place!
Anyways, all this week was "Orientation Week" or more like the first day is go learn about the school and the rest of the week everyone parties and goes crazy and has fun. I signed up for an orientation to Byron Bay which is the most easterly point in Australia. It was BEAUTIFUL there. I really never wanted to come back home, even come home back to the village! I took another surfing lesson, went sea kayaking (though unfortunately we never saw dolphins like we were promised. However, that means we are allowed to go back for FREE and try again. I said I never wanted to leave, so you bet I will be back there!!) I even convinced myself to jump out of a plane!! It was seriously the best rush of adrenaline in my life. Once I was done and on the ground, I was still in shock that I did that. I was even the first one out of the plane! Life definitely did not get any better that day.
Our hike to the Byron Bay Light House
Monica and I climbing rocks to get to the ocean.
It was such a beautiful day.
I really never wanted to leave.
Went surfing again!
Had a great time
The surf group!
The girlies
What's that? The lighthouse?
Walking to the plane
The view
Most easterly point
Here we go!!!!!
I was so stoked!
Had a fun time
The landing
The aftermath!
The girls
Unfortunately this weekend I got sick, but I was feeling well enough today to check out the Quicksilver Pro Surf Competition in Gold Coast! it was pretty fun! We even had Kelly Slater just a couple feet away from us. I am glad I decided to get out and enjoy my day outside rather than sit in my room. Thankfully I am feeling better, because school unfortunately starts tomorrow.
It's really amazing how time flies when you're having fun. I have seriously been on a vacation of a lifetime, but thankfully it's not over yet. Yes, school is starting but we are still planning trips around it and hoping to get some more adventures and traveling in before it ends. My sister even comes out here this week and we will be flying to Sydney next week, so I will be seeing even more of Australia in no time!!
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